Children's Ministry Registration Form

Please fill out this form and click submit for Children's Ministries!

This form is made secure by Breeze Church Management Software.
Basic Information

Welcome! We're glad you're here. Please fill out the information below.

Emergency Contact Information
Please enter any Allergies or Medical Conditions, Medications, Comments or Special Medical Info below.
Additional Information
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Photo and Video Consent

We occasionally take photos and videos during Sunday School activities to share on our church's website, social media, and promotional materials. Please indicate below if you give permission for your child's photo or video to be taken and used for these purposes. 
Please select one option.
Consent and Release

I give permission for my child to participate in OVC activities. I understand that all reasonable safety precautions will be taken by the leaders and volunteers of the church. I authorize medical treatment for my child in case of an emergency.
Typing your name above and submitting this form serves as your digital signature.

Thank you for filling out this form. We look forward to getting to know you and your family!


Please fill out this form and click submit for Children's Ministries!

This form is made secure by Breeze Church Management Software.